Warning: This document is for the development version of GeoCat Bridge. The main version is 3.1.0.

12. GeoServer Setup

To use some of the functionality in Bridge GeoServer extensions are required. You can download the required extensions matching the version number of your GeoServer installation on the GeoServer web page.


To publish ArcSDE layers to Esri ArcSDE® datastores in GeoServer it is required to have GeoServer ArcSDE® datastores extension installed. Make sure to install the version of the extension that matches the version number of your GeoServer installation.

Chart renderer

To publish chart symbology it is required to have the Chart Symbolizer extension installed. Make sure to install the version of the extension that matches the version number of your GeoServer installation.



GeoServer has support for the GeoPackage format natively starting from GeoServer version 2.12. To get GeoPackage support on GeoServer with a version lower than 2.12 install the GeoPackage extension for GeoServer. Make sure to install the version of the extension that matches the version number of your GeoServer installation. A prerequisite for the GeoPackage extension is the Web Processing Service (WPS) extension, so make sure to first install the WPS extension before installing the GeoPackage extension.

Oracle Spatial

To publish layers from an Oracle spatial database to a Oracle spatial datastore in GeoServer it is required to have the Oracle extension installed. Make sure to install the version of the extension that matches the version number of your GeoServer installation.