Warning: This document is for the development version of GeoCat Bridge. The main version is 3.1.0.

8. Metadata Editing

Bridge provides a basic editor for metadata properties to create ISO19139 metadata records. The purpose of this editor is to easily complete a minimal subset of required metadata elements.

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • ISO topic category
  • Keywords
  • Metadata contact
  • Data contact
  • Access constraints (used for data license)
  • Use constraints (also known as Fees)
  • Metadata language

The Bridge metadata editor can handle both the ESRI metadata formats and the ISO19139 format. When publishing metadata to GeoNetwork, Bridge will convert the metadata to ISO19139 format when the metadata is stored in the ESRI format.


The Premium version provides support for the following metadata profiles.

  • Default (ISO19139)
  • Dutch Geography v1.3.1


Metadata editor for default metadata profile

Metadata editor for default metadata profile


The INSPIRE profile has two additional panels to edit metadata.

Metadata editor for INSPIRE metadata profile

Metadata editor for INSPIRE metadata profile

Metadata editor for temporal properties

Metadata editor for temporal properties

Dutch Geography v1.3.1

The Dutch Geography v1.3.1 profile has two additional panels to edit metadata.

Metadata editor for Dutch Geography v1.3.1 metadata profile

Metadata editor for Dutch Geography v1.3.1 metadata profile

Metadata editor for temporal properties

Metadata editor for temporal properties

Preview metadata

To show a preview of the metadata of the selected layer, click on images/preview_metadata_button.png.

Preview metadata with thumbnail

Preview metadata with thumbnail

If the data has been published to map and/or catalogue server, the preview page will show a link to the metadata record in the catalogue server and a link to a preview page of the WSM layer.

Metadata validation

Bridge has schematron validation for the supported metadata profiles. Schematron validation checks the content of the metadata file for required properties of the selected metadata profile. To perform metadata validation on a layer metadata, click on images/validation.png in the layer metadata panel. After validation a form with validation results is displayed.

Metadata validation results page

Metadata validation results page