11. Supported Styles¶
The following map images have been generated using a custom ArcPy script that uses the Bridge CLI to publish a number of MXD’s. The script uses ArcPy to generate an image for each layer in ArcMap and uses the WMS GetMap request to generate an image for MapServer and GeoServer. The script uses the Bridge managed workspace mode, so for every MXD published Bridge will create a new workspace in GeoServer.
Continuous Raster¶
Symbology for continuous raster, one example of a classified symbology and several stretched symbologies.
Discrete Raster¶
Discrete raster symbologies.
Layer ‘Unique value - attribute table’¶
Symbology using raster attribute table for classification. Also supports grouping of values.
RGB Raster¶
Raster with red, green and blue band. Bridge exports the rasters with the band sequence changed to the server. This way it is not required to style the layers at the server.
RGB stretch is not supported by Bridge, because the support for this is limited in GeoServer and MapServer.
The contrast can be enhanced in MapServer by applying the following to the layer element:
The contrast can be enhanced in GeoServer by setting the following in the SLD:
Character Symbol¶
Character symbol used for point in layer Cities marker line symbol with character symbol used for Rivers and a marker fill symbol with character symbol used for Countries.
Label Symbol¶
Label symbology.Layer Cities uses a multivariate classification for symbols and labels. Layer Rivers uses a classification for the labels and layer Countries are all labelled the same way, in upper case.
Layer ‘Cities’¶
Multivariate classification, on both SCALERANK and ADM0CAP attribute. Labels are using the same classification.
Layer ‘Rivers’¶
Single symbol with classifed labels, when specifying label classes it is required for MapServer to create a class that is not labelled, otherwise the features without labels are not showing up in MapServer.
Line Fill Symbol¶
Line fill symbol, also known as “hatch fill”.
Line Symbols¶
Symbology with line symbols on polyline layers.
Picture Symbol¶
Symbology containing picture symbols.
Quantities Graduated¶
Symbology with graduated colors, no normalization.
Quantities Graduated Normalized¶
Symbology with graduated colors normalized.
Quantities Graduated Symbols¶
Symbology with graduated size symbols. Features are divided in classes, each class has its own symbol size.
Rotation Symbol¶
Symbology with rotated symbols. ArcGIS knows two types of symbology GeoGraphic and Arithmic.
Geographic rotates labels from north in a clockwise direction, while Arithmetic rotates labels from east in a counterclockwise direction.
Simple Marker Symbol¶
Symbology with simple marker symbols. Simple marker symbols are a fast-drawing set of basic glyph patterns with optional mask.
Stacked Symbol¶
Symbology composed from different layers of symbols.
Unique Value¶
Symbology with a unique value classifiier.